About the Journal

  1. Corolla International Conference is the first International Conference organized by State of Islamic Intitute (IAIN) Curup with Corolla Education Center Foundation. This conference will be held virtually via Zoom on November 11th, 2021. The aim of this conference is to gather all schoolers, academics, researchers, lecturers, teachers, and students to share ideas, experiences, and research findings in the fields of future education in the world viewed from science, humanities, art, social, agriculture, economic, law, and technology perspectives.


Schedule and Venue:

Abstract Submission Deadline


October 11th, 2021

Abstract Acceptance


October 25th, 2021

Conference Date


November 11th, 2021

Full paper submission


November 20th, 2021



Virtual International Conference by Using Zoom Meeting






 Prof.Dr.Burhan Ozkan-Akdeniz University, Antalya-Turkey

 Prof. Tariq Elyas-King Abdulaziz University-Jedah

 Prof. Dr. Michele Notari-Bern Switzerland

 Prof. Dr. Sherif Mohamed Ismail-Egyptian German Academy, Egypt

Dr. Draga Jovanov-Faculty of Agriculture Sciences and Food Macedonia

 Dr. Mohamed G.H.H. Al-Shammaa-Lahaye International Lawyers Association-Egypt