About the Conference

International Conference on Research and development in Multidisciplinary Studies Related to Artificial Intelligence Technologies

"Bringing AI in Multidisciplinary Studies"

3rd COROLLA 2024

This conference is held by State Islamic Institute of Curup with Mahasarawati University, and with Corolla Education Centre Foundation. This theme will be separated into several topics, namely Bringing AI in teaching and learning process, The Impact of AI in society 5.0, How to use AI in multidisciplinary Research? AI and the Future of Law, Transforming Global Economy with AI, Science and New Age of AI, How AI will change the future marketing, and The Impact of AI in Labour Market. This conference will be delivered by professional speakers of some countries who expert on their field.

COROLLA invites researchers, lecturers, postgraduate students, students, and foreigner to an open forum where advanced in the area of AI as multidisciplinary studies.

Important Dates

Submit Abstract: 15th July - 29 Oct 2024

Notification accepted: 30th Oct 2024

Full paper: 20th December 2024

Publish proceeding: 31th December 2024

Conference Starts on 20th November 2024

Conference Venue:

Auditorium of Mahasaraswati University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Contributing Countries

Focus and Scope


“Bringing AI in Multidisciplinary Studies”

Bringing AI in teaching and learning process

The Impact of AI in society 5.0

How to use AI in multidisplinary Research?

AI and the Future of Law

Transforming Global Economy with AI

Science and New Age of AI

How AI will change the future marketing

The Impact of AI in Labor Market

Conference Venue

About Denpasar City

Denpasar is the capital city of the province of Bali, Indonesia. Denpasar is the main gateway to the Bali Island; the city is also a hub for other cities in the Lesser Sunda Islands. With the rapid growth of the tourism industry in Bali, Denpasar has encouraged and promoted business activities and ventures, contributing to it having the highest growth rate in Bali Province. The population of Denpasar was 725,314 at the 2020 Census, down from 788,445 at the 2010 Census due to pandemic outflow; the official estimate as at mid 2022 was 726,808. The Denpasar metropolitan area centred on Denpasar (called Sarbagita) had 1,785,800 residents in mid 2022. Pandemic and travel related closures have further exacerbated the population loss. Denpasar is located at an elevation of 4 m (13 ft) above sea level. While the total area of 125.98 km2 or 2.18% of the total area of Bali Province. From the use of land, 2,768 hectares of land are paddy, 10,001 hectares are dry land, while the remaining land area is 9 hectares.
Denpasar has various attractions. The white sandy beaches are well-known all over the island. The surfing beach is Serangan Island. Sanur Beach has calmer waters and is excellent for sunbathing and kitesurfing.
Ten minutes from the Ngurah Rai International Airport lies the town of Kuta (within Badung Regency not administratively under the city jurisdiction), where most of the hotels, restaurants, malls, cafes, marketplaces, and spas that cater to tourists are located. In the Denpasar area, all kinds of Balinese handicrafts are represented in local shops. These include artwork, pottery, textiles, and silver. Batik cloth is sold all over Denpasar, and batik sarongs and men’s shirts are widely available.

About Mahasaraswati University

Mahasaraswati University Denpasar, hereinafter abbreviated as Unmas Denpasar, is one of the Private Universities in LLDIKTI Region VIII, under the management of the Saraswati Denpasar People’s College Foundation. Unmas Denpasar began with the establishment of the Saraswati Institute of Teacher Training and Education (IKIP) on December 8, 1963, with registered status Number: 134/B/Swt/P/65; on December 2, 1965, consisting of the Department of History/Anthropology and English. The political situation at that time with the eruption of G.30 S/PKI, IKIP Saraswati in 1965 was inactive until 1979.
On August 23, 1979, IKIP Saraswati was reactivated and developed by opening the Faculty of Literature and Arts with the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature. The Faculty of Teacher Training of the Exact Department consists of the Department of Mathematics and Life Sciences and the Faculty of Education with the Department of Guidance and Counseling (BP) and the Department of General Education (PU) with registered status. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, IKIP Saraswati was re-established with registered status No: 039/0/1981, dated January 22, 1981 which has a Faculty of Teacher Training with the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature, Department of Biology, Department of History/Anthropology, Department of Mathematics, and Department of English as well as Faculty of Teacher Training with Department of Guidance and Counseling (BP) and General Education (PU).
With the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 691/0/1982 dated March 6, 1982, the Saraswati Academy of Foreign Languages (ABA) was merged and integrated into Mahasaraswati University Denpasar, so that Mahasaraswati University Denpasar at that time had: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering with the Department of Civil Engineering officially registered status on November 2 1982 with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0358/0/1982.

Conference Organizers

Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup is located in North Curup, Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, Indonesia

About State Islamic Institute of (IAIN) Curup

The birth of IAIN Curup has a fairly long historical background. At first, it was just a Faculty of Ushuluddin which had the status of a faculty far from IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang. In other words, the forerunner of IAIN Curup at that time was the Faculty of Ushuluddin IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang in Curup.
The idea of the founder of the Faculty of Ushuluddin began with the Establishment of the Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of the Faculty of Ushuluddin IAIN Raden Fatah Curup Branch on October 21, 1962. The composition of the Committee consists of Protectors, Advisors, Chairman I, Chairman II, Secretary I, Secretary II, Treasurer, Assistant and Sections. The founder of this Faculty received the support of Prof. DR. Mr. Hazairin, HM. Husein, Governor of South Sumatra, Prof. Ibrahim Husein and so on.
In the course of its history, the lecture location of the Faculty of Ushuluddin IAIN Raden Fatah Curup has moved several times. From 1963 to 1964 the Curup State Religious Teacher Education (PGAN) school building was located in Talang Rimbo Curup. From 1965 to 1968, the building was used which is currently the location of the Curup Regional General Hospital on Jalan Dwi Tunggal. From 1969 to 1981, the Rejang Setia Foundation Building, the former Dutch School (HIS) on Jalan Setia Negara, was used. Then only in 1982 the Faculty of Ushuluddin was able to breathe a sigh of relief because it had occupied its own building thanks to the help from the government located on Jl. Dr. Ak. Gani Curup.
IAIN Curup is a favorite Islamic State University located in Bengkulu Province, Rejang Lebong Regency. The university was originally only a faculty from IAIN raden Fatah Palembang. Now it is not just an Islamic university but has good credibility from year to year.
IAIN Curup is one of the State Islamic campuses in Bengkulu as well as a buffer from other provinces, namely Lubuk Linggau City, Palembang, South Sumatra Province, and Jambi Province.


Conference Publication

Corolla International Conference Proceeding (e-ISSN: 2985-6965) is the output of International Conference organized by State Islamic Institue of Curup. The aim of this conference is to gather all schoolers, academics, researchers, lecturers, teachers, and students to share ideas, experiences, and research findings in the fields of future education in the world viewed. This proceeding is published in December in every year. This proceeding is already indexed by Google Scholar. The editors and reviewers of this proceeding come from more than 16 countries who experts in their field, namely Albania, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Croatia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, República Dominicana, Saudi Arabia, and United Kingdom.

Conference Agenda

Monday, 20th November, 2024

3rd CIC Full Schedule

Keynote Speakers

Organizing Committee

Dr. Eka Apriani, M.Pd.
Dr. Fadila, M.Pd.
Dr. Mutmainnah, M.Pd.
Prof. Ahmad J. Obaid
Dr. Syafryadin, M.Pd.
Dr. Paidi Gusmuliana, M.Pd.
Dadan Supardan, S. Si, M. Biotech

Conference Fee

Payment Details




Rp 500.000,-


e-Proceeding (e-issn)

Rp 500.000,-


Presenter & Proceeding e-issn

Rp 1.000.000,-


Presenter & Proceeding Scopus

Rp 4.052.000,-






Bank: BCA

A/N: Fadila

Number: 5379413037089304

Supported by

Contact Information


Contact Us

AK Gani Street, Dusun Curup Estate E25, Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia



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